Monday, October 12, 2015


Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment



  1. Thank you... You must have a very kind heart to be able to see an 1+ in something so personal to a stranger and so irrelevant to your own needs. Your mother and, most importantly, your maker did a very good job ...!!

  2. The Twice Blessed Man I am 100% Greek. I was born and raised in Greece up until the age of 12.

    The city of my birth is Katerini/Pieria/Macedonia).

    I was raised in Athens Greece from the age of 5 up until the age of 12. I know how to read and write in Greek but I know the old Grammar.

    I forgot some grammar but Google translate fills in the gaps by reminding me as well as by showing me the new grammar (orthographia).

    We, as a family, migrated to the USA when I was 12 years old. I grew up  and lived in New York City from the age of 12 up until now.. 

    I was turned into a TI about 25 years ago. This is a link to my lengthy summary form of course

    It is included in my Google plus collection titled: "PERSONAL MESSAGES TO ALL VIEWERS".

    I tried to take our Country's problems with me and to expose them in the hope that I may help somehow. I am referring to the Macedonia name dispute issue which, as a true Macedonian, it pisses me off.  

    I have created two Google plus collections for our country. One deals with the Macedonia name dispute and the other with anything that has to do with it photograph wise or politics wise... 

    If you look at the "PHOTOS" in my Google Plus you will see many photographs from Greece. I would like to transfer them all into my new Collection titled "GREECE" but I do not know how to do that in bulk and I am too lazy to do that one by one. If you know then please let me know how to do that.

    I guess you did not read my profile. You should. It shows a very painful life. My family has money but as a result of this ongoing targeting I was mistreated, I was abused, I was perped and I was thrown out of the family home.

    I had been an abused child to begin with and this child abuse helped me deal with this TI related abuse a bit better than most other TIs  did and/or than any other non abused individual would have done. The child abuse at issue is called "scapegoat child abuse" it. 

    This is my response in summation. If you have any other questions let me know.



    Please note that my email is being monitored

  3. The Twice Blessed Man Thanks ..Efharisto ..ευχαριστώ

  4. Geneva Thatcher Thanks you..I never thought it would hurt this long..

  5. I'm so sorry... I know how to cure cancer and make it so you can never get it... if you know someone else that's dying and they want to try something non toxic, non pharmaceutical, and non expensive please message me as I have already saved two terminal cancer patients who had weeks to live and are still cancer free to this day... 💪✊👌
    Blessed be dear heart and dont be upset, because your mother is in the spirit realm where it's only love... I can also show you how you can go to the spirit realm and come back and maybe see your mother to tell her something you might have forgot in the flesh... lemme know... 😊😙

  6. my condolences. may she rest in peace
    {my father died in 2010 from stomach cancer)
    and I received a partial diagnosis of the same in 2014


  8. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment
    trust me. there will be no chemo.
    I will die in agony before they touch me with that crap

  9. Geneva Thatcher
    cancer is on the brink of being cured through treatment on a genetic level.
    I'm guessing that within 10 years it will be a thing of the past.
    my problems are two.
    1. I think I've been misdiagnosed which means I cannot get treated for what I have because the doctors are insisting it's something else.
    {going against doctors orders)
    2. I might not live long enough to get the miracle treatment that's becoming available

  10. Max Steel The miracle treatment is in my collection "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE". One of them is called medicinal cannabis PLEASE SEARCH INTO THIS COLLECTION. DON'T KNOCK IT LIKE MY MOTHER DID...

  11. The cause of cancer is chemical intake from preservatives and additives compounded by a vitamin and mineral deficiency which is prevalent worldwide due to criminal and careless agricultural practices that have flooded our food with toxic petrochemicals in the form of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides which also leech out vital minerals that plants need to make vitamins thereby making our food poor right from the start...eating nothing processed, no red meat and eating only fresh fruit and vegetables with a naturally sourced bio available vitamin and mineral supplement will make you practically invincible and when you do catch a cold or bug, colloidal silver is the safest (for human!) and most powerful anti pathogen known to man... nothing can survive contact with it... it kills ebola, anthrax or salmonella it doesn't matter, one tablespoon of the silver I make will cure the flu in two hours... my kids and I and a few wise souls have not been sick with even the sniffles in two years since the revelation... the US army uses it as their only choice for any biological threat... also, burning oil and releasing carbon is not harmful for the environment because plants take in carbon no matter it's form and release oxygen as a result... the more carbon they take in the more oxygen is produced naturally!!... and they are not "fossil" fuels because dinosaurs are a hoax and oil is really a renewable energy source because old wells that they capped in the 50, 60, 70's are being found full again... oil is mother nature's blood... why would it hurt herself to burn it?... it doesn't make sense... the people who control the earth have lied about everything and are trying to keep you scared, feeling helpless and insignificant while extorting and stealing all the money and resources they can... ormus is a great and cheap way to get your mineral requirements and keep your body slightly alkaline... ormus especially dead sea salt ormus contains small amounts of monatomic elements namely gold and this is why the ancients lived so long... it bonds to DNA telomers extending life and also bonds to certain things inside the body like nero receptors which increases superconductivity and unlocks higher brain functioning...I don't know what else it does to the immune system but it appears our bodies are starving for these elements and I suspect it's the biblical manna or the Egyptian shewbread used by the Pharaoh's and priest craft to accend and expand consciousness... I'm a walking talking prime example of the power of monatomic elements as they have unlocked so many special gifts like intuition, intelligence increase, increased creativity, powers of manifestation increases and many other psychic phenomenon...they perfect your body and bring you up to the level we all should be... that of godhead almost...😇😎...also, hemp oil cures cancer and this is why it's illegal... it also cures ms, depression and desolves paradigms and barriers while increasing your spiritual growth... this is also why it's illegal and because alcohol does the complete opposite and it's legal... they call it spirits because it steals yours... anyways my darling, it was so nice to talk to you again and if you want to know more or you want to try something pm me please because I have to be careful of the evil FDA and their disgusting shameful and wretched mutant pharmaceutical clients who can't make money with cures and perfectly healthy people so will hassle me if I give out too much helpful medical advice in public... bless your heart sweet one and have a splendid weekend... 😙✊✌💘🙏

  12. Geneva Thatcher Thanks so much for helping Max..Also thanks for that Cancer link. You must be a very caring person.  Regards Eleni

  13. Geneva Thatcher Your words of comfort for my mother's death warranted a special Thanks you.

  14. Dumuzi Hello, Thanks you for the willingness to help. Can you elaborate further on the cancer information as well as on the spiritual matter? I am interested to know more for both. Do you havee a site link where this type of information can be obtained?

    Thanks and God Bless


  15. Geneva Thatcher Thanks for linking me with subjects I need to learn more about

  16. Geneva Thatcher Words of comfort, such as the ones you sent me, is the best thing that you could have done. I thank you and I wish you good Karma..Regards Eleni

  17. Geneva Thatcher arggh...😩💔 ...aliens?... greys?... star seeds?... my dear, don't you know those things can absolutely not be real?...and I have proof... I don't want to do this here with you, or at all much less, but if you want to chat about things that are effecting our reality on the earth plane and how I can help with health and well being, please pm me... blessings my dear... ✊✌💘🙏

  18. Geneva Thatcher Hello, Thanks for the feedback . I wish it was more detailed with regard to our beliefs.

    I do not understand the phrase "I am leaving g+ for the 'Prepare for Winter Season'. Are you closing your g+ account for the farming tasks? Can you not do both after the daily farming is done? Am I missing anything here?

    Of course you are not under any obligation to disclose more than you want or more than you already have..I only try to understand...  I hope we get to dive into this very interesting subject matter. After all, I do believe that most of us are searching for the so called "EVERYTHING EXPLANATION"


  19. The earth is a flat extended plane inclosed in a dome, the north pole is connected to Polaris and is the center of our world... space doesn't exist in the sense that you can travel through it with rockets and ships... the stars are lights, perhaps sentient beings or gods... our sun and moon are only 33 miles across and only 3000 miles up, inside the dome (firmament)...the heliocentric model is a lie by satanic societies to make us forget god... it is impossible for a conventional rocket to get high enough to pop out into some kind of vacuum where there is no air, or anything for that matter, because nothing can travel through nothing and when there's no air rockets cannot burn for starters, or will the thrust of a rocket have anything to push against because without air to push against a rocket will just fail... so long before the payload could ever get to zero g heights the rocket will fail and crash back to earth because what goes up, always comes back down... the laws of density and it's opposite (by law) force, buoyancy are what rule in reality... "gravity" is false and is not a real phenomenon...Newtonian physics is the jabbering babblings of a lunatic with mercury poisoning...Einstein was a fraud and a liar brought in to discredit Tesla and the aether which Tesla pulled unlimited free energy from... if the aether is real then space doesn't exist and they couldn't have that because that would mean the establishment has been wrong for hundreds of years and NASA along with all "space" programs have been lying to us and stealing money... that's why to this day free energy is not made public... btw oil is a natural renewable energy source and is not a fossil fuel... dinosaurs are another hoax to support evolution which itself supports big bang heliocentric Newtonian universe... all lies...Tesla was the smartest man ever and he knew the earth was flat and there is a dome over our heads and that there is a magical substance unseen in our air that's charged with life force, this is the chi, prana, orgone, scalar, zero point, spirit, godforce, or the many other names that describe the aether or the etherical matrix we are swimming in...and that's what you have to understand, we are in a liquid called air and fluid dynamics need to be taken into account when trying to see the world how it really is... everything I've just stated can be found online, the evidence is overwhelming, anyone with extraordinary claims must have the evidence to back it up... and people have wild imaginations that can easily fool themselves, if you are having visits from grey aliens that said they are from another planet then you are being is the only material plane of existence and this physicality is a proving grounds for spiritual evolution so there is the dualistic nature that's all pervading... the feminine and the masculine... good and evil... life and death... love and and heaven... you have forgotten the earth, the female, the love and magic... and one drink of ayahausca will show you that...

  20. Dumuzi Wow.. I did not think that you would end up describing a Matrix type. Way to go..I am open to any theories or beliefs. I want to conclude something that would make sense out of everything we already know to be true, at least.

    This type of information was part of the premise I seek to base my beliefs on. 

    Please provide more with regard to Aliens/ Demons/ Reptilians etc,.  Any thoughts on LA Marzuli's theories? They are appealing.!

    Thank you again

  21. Dumuzi I have been doing some homework on your "FLAT EARTH" claim and I must admit it is compellingly appealling, at least as per this presentation

    Thanks for the enlightening subject . I will keep on learning and I will submit further feedback ..if that is ok with you


  22. Dumuzi Hello..Look at what you have helped to create


    Thank you

  23. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment wow... so awesome!... 😎😊
    I knew you would see the truth, I had that feeling you were a thorough researcher and anyone that is, will inevitably go flat... and once you go flat you cannot go back!... that is an amazing collection my dear and I'm going to share it to my collection... I love how you have all those Nikola Tesla posts... him and his work is the game changer on earth and everything after him is going to be a lie... all the global nonsense is to undermine and hide the aether... it's all about the aether... that is the key to unlimited free energy and supreme health and well being... the ancients had free unlimited wireless energy and the great pyramid was the source of this power... it was also a monatomic gold making factory:
    Now you know not to trust mainstream science and what they say is "pseudo science"...remember this is opposite world and what you thought was right is actually wrong and vice versa... the occult/esoteric/arcane knowledge and wisdom is the true information to achieving great things... ✋❤🙏
    I'm so glad I could open your eyes to truth... bless your heart my lady... please have a great day/night... ✊✌💘🙏

  24. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment great video... thanks for showing me... 😊🙏
    Forgive me though, for I fear I must have forgotten about help with your mother... private message me and we'll chat about this there... 😊...stay blessed my dear lady Eleni... ✊✌💘🙏
