Thursday, January 3, 2019

Hello Viewers

Hello Viewers

Most of you noticed the inactivity in my Google Plus site for the past 2 weeks.

This was the result of an unwarranted 2 week censorship by the "evil" Google for uploading, by way of sharing, a post that did not deserve censorship because when it was shared, uploaded and even published by others it was never censored by any Social Media,...and not even by Google Plus.

Google censored only me

About a month ago, Google even deleted about 7 times my shared post about protests that took place in Greece in 1974 to overthrow the corrupt Greek military junta of 1967–1974 that was governing Greece at the time in a Dictatorship manner. When the same post was shared / posted by other Greeks, Google never deleted it ...

I had to include it as reference in other posts in order to prevent its deletion and to insure its publication

I spent these 2 weeks looking for more material to post as well as for more ways to migrate my G+ site. Let's not forget that Google's deadline to do so, as a result of the G+ death, is the summer of 2019.

I will notify you all of my new sites as well as of links where my archived G+ can be surfed offline or online

If anyone of you knows of any other ways to migrate in an easier and more effective manner, please notify me

Thank you all for your support



  1. G+ is going to shutdawn on March/April 2019

  2. art ant Thanks...Any better ways to migrate besides the UNRELIABLE "TAKEOUT" FIASKO?

  3. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment Not sure yet what would be alike this one that we have been used to...

  4. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment Ωωω, πες το μου στα Ελληνικά... πώς γίνεται να τα σώσουμε όλα. Ίσως θα άξιζε τον κόπο για κάποιους που έχουν καταθέσει ενδιαφέροντα πράγματα εδώ...

  5. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ, θα το δω...

  6. art ant Σύντομα θα δημοσιεύσω νέους συνδέσμους με νέα άρθρα σχετικά με αυτό. Βάλτα στο google chrome και θα σε ρωτήση αν θέλης να το μεταφράσει και ποια γλώσσα προτιμάς

    Ορισμένα προγράμματα είναι δωρεάν, αλλά κατεβάζουν
    περιορισμένο υλικό, επομένως πρέπει να κατεβάζης κάθε συλλογή ξεχωριστά καί κάθε σελλιδα σου, (με το δικό του λινκ) ξεχωριστά

    Mετα χρησιμοπηισε το cloud drive και το λινκ του, βαζωντας το link στο καινουργιο το σιτε σου, για να το κοιτανε οπως ητανε

  7. Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment Καλά, έχω ζαλιστεί ήδη, αλλά θα το προσπαθήσω...
